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Package AUTUMN

01.09.2024 - 30.11.2024

Stay for three days with breakfast, barbecue and pool


FIRST MOMENT - Halloween - Family Package

26.10.2024 - 06.11.2024

Family Package Halloween - Do not Miss! Prepare your kids to have fun during your stay because beautiful Halloween fall is ...

| Family Club Login

Autumn GRILL menu - Traditionally also slaughterhouse



From 4.11 to 8.12.2019 we will serve traditional and butcher's specialties as dinner on Friday and Saturday. Click to find out more.

This year we invite you to a great AUTUMN holiday . But this time it will be with a gourmet experience . From 4.11 to 8.12. we will serve traditional and butcher's specialties as dinner on Friday and Saturday .

Of course, in addition to a great barbecue, tartare, liver and duck, you can also look forward to the pool, WIFI, new garden of 2000 m2, Mini ZOO and great mood.

Enjoy your holiday in Liptov and buy a stay with half board and swimming pool FREE in our E-SHOP. With one click you will find the exact price for the whole family and with another click you can book your stay for the lowest price .:

See how it has changed in our country. We are already looking forward to seeing you with the entire team of Pension Maria.

Here you can see photos from the opener

We also bring you a video of how the promised news - the new garden and apartments - was opened.

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