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SUMMER package

21.06.2024 - 01.09.2024

Stay with halfboard and daily ANIMATIONS + swimming pool included - Do not forget the beautiful garden with playground and ...


Package AUTUMN

01.09.2024 - 30.11.2024

Stay for three days with breakfast, barbecue and pool

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Wooden articular church in the Holy Cross 14,2 km

The church is the last, undoubtedly the most important artistic expression of Slovak wooden architecture. Monday - Saturday 10:45 - 15:00 Sunday: 10:00 ...

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

Church of St. Ladislava - Bodice 0,3 km

Regular services Friday: 05:00 PM (only 1st Friday) Sunday: 8:00 AM Holiday on Labor Day. room: 8:00 AM Labor Day day: 05:00 PM

Churches around, Religious buildings

Synagogue - Liptovský Mikuláš 4,8 km

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

The Roman Catholic church Liptovský Mikuláš 4,8 km

Roman Catholic Church. Nicholas is the oldest architectural monument in the city and the largest early Gothic building in the Liptov. It was built as a ...

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

Evangelical Church Liptovský Mikuláš 6,1 km

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

Gothic church. Peter of Alcantara, L.Mikuláš-Okolicne 8,2 km

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

Evangelical church Smrečany 13,5 km

Mass: Sun: 9:30 dinner service of God Smrecany 17:00 (except second Sunday of the month),

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

Liptovská Mara -Take church of Our Lady 23,1 km

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

Spišská Kapitula 93,6 km

Churches around, Sight seeing, Religious buildings

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